What To Expect
Get Started
To get started with therapy services, you will first need a prescription from your child’s physician. Please then call our office at 803-548-9113 to schedule an evaluation with a therapist.
We will also need:
- A copy of the prescription from your child’s physician
- A copy of your insurance card(s).
- Completed online patient history and intake forms.

The first appointment is an evaluation to assess your child’s current skill level and need for therapy. The therapist will review your child’s history information with you and discuss your concerns. Based on that information, all necessary testing will be completed. The therapist will review their professional observations, results of any testing, discuss areas of delay or impairment, and make recommendations regarding therapy. If therapy is recommended, you may schedule future therapy sessions that day.
Please arrive 10 minutes early with your insurance card to complete new patient paperwork and check-in. An evaluation typically lasts 60 minutes although the amount of time may be adjusted based on child’s ability to participate, their medical diagnosis, testing required, etc.
Parents are encouraged to attend the initial evaluation so that the therapist may discuss your concerns and your child’s history.
Therapy Appointments
All co-pays, co-insurances and deductibles are collected at the time services are rendered unless you have made prior arrangements with our billing office.
Sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes, are play based and designed to engage your child in activities that they enjoy while still addressing therapy goals. The last 10-15 minutes may be used to cover treatment plan and progress with the parent or caregiver as well as provide suggestions for home exercises, if applicable.
Since therapy appointments are scheduled back-to-back, if you arrive late, your therapist will not be able to provide you with additional treatment time. Patients arriving more than 15 minutes late to appointments will be charged a no-show fee and asked to reschedule their appointment.
For your convenience, parents are allowed to leave the clinic during their child’s appointment provided that they return 15 minutes prior to the end of the treatment session and leave an emergency number on file with our office. Chronic tardiness will result in the parent being asked to remain on site during appointments.